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Posts tagged: United States

#104 - Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music (Ray Charles)

by 14783513 |

I haven't written an entry for two weeks now, and its been mostly because I haven't been sure what to do with this album. I've listened to it start to finish a few times, and was a little caught...

Fit Against the Country by Horse Feathers

by 14783513 |  | 2 comments

Named after the 1932 Marx Brothers comedy, this band of musicians is fronted by singer-songwriter Justin Ringle, who previously was involved in a number of rock bands before starting to play open mics in 2004, under the named Horse Feathers. Two years later, Ringle joined up with Peter Broderick, who heard some...

#119 - The Harder They Come (Original Soundtrack)

by 14783513 |

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="299" caption="Original Soundtrack Recording of The Harder They Come (July 7, 1972)"][/caption] Jamaican Reggae singer Jimmy Cliff starred in a crime movie called "The Harder They Come". He also recorded the title track on the...

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